Leadership is one of the most spoken-about subjects in society, yet there does not seem to be a consensus on what leadership is. Commercial organisations can and have measured the leadership of their CEOs based on the profitability and growth of their organisations, with people and the carbon footprint of their operations being factored into the equation in recent years. However, in the case of nation-states, there has not been as much scrutiny, debate, and a strong sense of accountability around the impact of leaders on countries and their people. It's been 30 years since South Africa realised its democracy yet the lives of ordinary black South Africans continue to be riddled with poverty and indebtedness due to the consistently increasing cost of living, poor service delivery, corruption, crime, and joblessness.
You are invited to join The Social Reconstruct Masterclass that will take place at Regenesys Business School on 05th September 2023, where we will be engaging with Songezo Zibi, Roche Mamabolo, Shingai Ngara, and Menzi KaGudu Maseko in a conversation to understand how might this time, we find ourselves in, be calling us to think differently about the South Africa we are creating. Asking if the traditional ways of "leading" can birth a new and better South Africa.
What if the way we respond to the crisis is part of the crisis? What have we learned from the leadership of our former Pan-Africanist leaders? What is the world, or more close to home, what is our country begging for us to do differently?
Join us at 17h30 on Tuesday, 05th September at Regenesys Business School for this two part dialogue-style masterclass series where our guests will speak on Leadership within the African context, an invitation to ask different questions, and an invitation to ask 'what is at stake if we do not do things differently?’.
"… leadership is a holding of a shared yearning, a communal honouring of an interesting prospect and its changing shapes – rather than the predatory, often manipulative control of outcomes and people …" – Dr Bayo Akomolafe
Please register here to attend.